Elected Official Endorsements

Angela Conley, Hennepin County Commissioner, District 4:

We share a belief in uplifting the worth of human beings—because housing is a right, food is a right, and everyone deserves dignity. I believe in Soren’s goals and I know that what he will bring to Ward 8 is what has been missing and what we need.

Jeremiah Ellison, Council Member, Ward 5:

Everyone deserves a fair wage, food on the table, clean air, and to make it home safe at the end of the day. Soren Stevenson has demonstrated the kind of grit, perseverance, and care that it takes to create a kinder, safer Ward 8. That is why I am proud to endorse Soren Stevenson to be your next Ward 8 City Council Member.

Robin Wonsley, Council Member, Ward 2:

Our city is at a crossroads and that requires real leadership. From accountability for MPD to expanding cooperative housing, I have seen Soren’s commitment to community. I look forward to working with Soren on the City Council to create a kinder, safer Minneapolis.

Samantha Pree-Stinson, Vice President of Minneapolis Board of Estimate and Taxation:

I am supporting Soren because he understands that housing is a human right and not a commodity.